An important and exciting part of your education as a maritime officer is the internship. You will take part in the work that the crew does on board allowing you learn the tricks of the trade. An important choice for doing your internship is which shipping company you will do your internship with. Do you want to go to a large shipping company or do you feel more comfortable with a smaller shipping company, such as Holwerda?

Full steam ahead in your career
“Ik had een super leuke stage, met veel korte reizen en veel starten en stoppen van de motor”.
“Stage bij Holwerda: varen op leerzame schepen en tijd hebben voor je takenboek”.
“Door het Stagair Volg Plan kreeg ik als stagair het gevoel dat ik een collega in opleiding was”.
All aspects are covered
At Holwerda, the number of required sailing days is split into parts with in between a short leave to meet family and friends.

The trades of our vessels are ideal for an internship in which you learn a lot. Our ships sail in the compact sailing area of the North Sea, Baltic Sea, and Mediterranean Sea. This sailing area guarantees a versatile experience that you do not get with an ocean crossing. The trade of our vessels is characterized by short voyages in nautical interesting area’s. This gives you a lot of experience with passages of locks, rivers, narrow waterways, mooring and voyage preparations. There are almost no quiet parts in our vessels routes.
Another reason to choose Holwerda Shipmanagement is that we carry out engine maintenance as much as possible ourselves. We adhere to the manufacturers’ maintenance intervals. This gives you the chance to immerse yourself in the technology on board and to gain experience with tinkering with engines.
A reason to do an internship at Holwerda is that we do the maintenance on the engines as much as possible ourselves. In doing so, we adhere to the maintenance intervals as described by the engine fabrications. This gives you the opportunity to immerse yourself in the technology on board and to gain experience in tinkering with engines.
Your internship at Holwerda
We have two internships available per ship for trainees of a Dutch MBO or HBO nautical school. One technical trainee and one nautical trainee. As interns, you therefore do not get into each other’s way. You are the only technical or nautical intern and that makes supervision optimal.
The internship of 165 days is divided for maritime officers into a nautical and a technical period. So you can gain ample experience in both areas. For both Maroff’s and mono-disciplinary trained interns, the internship is split in two parts of about 80 days. There is a short leave between the two periods. During the second internship period, you will be on another ship, often with a different sailing area.
Deck Internship
During the deck internship, the captain and deck officers will introduce you to:
- voyage preparation and route planning;
- preparing a stowage plan, including the stability calculation;
- working with nautical charts, nautical books and navigation equipment;
- plotting courses and positioning on Earth;
- dealing with environmental, emergency and safety procedures.
Engine room internship
The chief engineer will guide you through:
- preparing the main engine for sea and starting the main engines;
- maintenance of the main engines and auxiliary equipment;
- learn to read drawings, diagrams and technical instruction books;
- switch equipment from port utility to sea utility.
Recognized learning company
Holwerda Shipmanagement is recognized as a training company by the Dutch “Landelijk Orgaan Beroepsorderwijs Transport & Logistiek”. This means that we can train students for the professional qualification of Maritime Officer.

- Deltion College, Zwolle
- ROC head of Hod-Holland, Den Helder
- Noorderpoort College, Delfzijl
- Shipping & Transport College, Rotterdam
- Maritime Institute IJmuiden
- ROC Zeeland, Vlissingen
- Maritime Institute Willem Barentsz, Terschelling
- Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences
- Zeeland University of Applied Sciences, Vlissingen
- Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences
Will you become our future colleague?
When supervising trainees, the officers of our ships assume you are a future colleague. After all, when you have recieved your certificate of competence, you can become 2nd mate or 2nd engineer on board our ships, with the associated responsibilities. Our officers, therefore, benefit in every way that you are well trained!
Welcome to Holwerda!
Are you interested in doing your internship on board one of our ships and are you studying at one of the Dutch nautical schools?
Please feel free to contact us for more information or for a personal conversation.
Call: +31 513 63 63 05
Or send a mail to our department crew affairs:
Or fill in the contact form and we will contact you.